Recently, in the wilderness of Pune city, Maharashtra state, India, a wildlife photographer captured fascinating images of lizards attempting to attract a mate.
According to the information provided, the featured lizard is a male. In its pursuit of a mate, it scales a high, open perch and extends its neck, displaying its vibrant fans of shiny blue, black, and orange colors.
This color combination is incredibly striking and catches the light, making the lizard’s position unmistakable. This is the primary purpose of male lizards: to showcase their beautiful, healthy appearance to attract females, convey signals of their desire to mate, form pairs, and clearly indicate their position.
When females are drawn to the display, they will locate the male’s whereabouts. After certain rituals, they will form pairs, mate, and give rise to the next generation.
This is a very rare and exceptionally intriguing sight. As depicted in the photos, the male lizard put in a tremendous effort, ostentatiously flaunting his best physical attributes. Hopefully, he will soon find a suitable lizard companion.