Overcoming Prejudice: The Triumph of Dr. David Ruggles and the Colored Community

This article aims to address the prevalent prejudice against people of color and advocate for their equal treatment and opportunities. The author acknowledges that the white community often looks down upon people of color and considers them suitable only for menial tasks. They believe that this prejudice is not rational and cannot be eradicated through logical arguments alone. Instead, it must be overcome through the actions and achievements of individuals from the colored race.

In a society where wealth determines one’s reputation, people of color must prove their intelligence and resourcefulness by engaging in successful business ventures. To demonstrate their intellectual capabilities, they must not only claim the right to be educated but actively pursue scholarly pursuits. The attainment of professional success, such as becoming lawyers, physicians, and teachers, requires practice and experience. The author encourages the colored community to support and encourage individuals in these professions, as well as in various trades and crafts.

The author emphasizes the importance of not losing hope and presents the example of Dr. David Ruggles, a remarkable individual who overcame immense obstacles to achieve social respect, high employment, and usefulness in the face of racial prejudice. Despite being poor, blind, and physically weak, Dr. Ruggles established a renowned Water-Cure Establishment, constructed expensive buildings, and gained recognition as a skilled and successful practitioner. He earned the admiration and respect of his community and left a lasting impact on the lives of many. Interestingly, even members of the Pro-Slavery class sought his assistance, highlighting the exceptional nature of his achievements.

The author acknowledges that Dr. Ruggles’ story is exceptional and that it requires exceptional abilities to rise above the overwhelming weight of prejudice and contempt. However, these rare instances of strong determination and exceptional talent have the power to inspire and change the world.

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