Creative Mom Shares the Struggles of Pregnancy in a Candid and Funny Way

Creative Mom Reveals The Struggles of Being Pregnant

When mom of two Maya Vorderstrasse got tired of seeing pregnancy portrayed as perfect and easy on social media, she decided to show the world how it actually feels.

“Honestly I was so tired of seeing motherhood portrayed as perfect, flawless, and effortless on social media because I never felt like it was like that for me,” she told Huffington. “So I embraced my chaotic life, and decided to share it with everyone in the hopes of helping other mothers realize that it’s OK to not have it all figured out.”

So, when Vorderstrasse was pregnant, she regularly posted pictures next to a letter board, sharing how she was feeling or thinking that day. From food cravings to wild bladder to swollen feet – she shared how pregnancy actually feels in the most hilarious and honest way.

Mom of two Maya Vorderstrasse was tired of seeing pregnancy portrayed as perfect and easy on social media

So she decided to show the world how it actually feels


“So I embraced my chaotic life, and decided to share it with everyone in the hopes of helping other mothers realize that it’s OK to not have it all figured out”

So, when she found out she was pregnant again, just two months after having a baby

She decided to document her journey with letter board pics, sharing how she was feeling

And did so in the most hilarious and honest way

And did so in the most hilarious and honest way

Vorderstrasse gave birth to her daughter just over two weeks ago

And she’s continuing to share her funny letter board pics

We can’t wait to see how they progress!

We can’t wait to see how they progress!


Hits: 8

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