
The wild buffalo rammed the lion high up because he wanted to avenge his fellow humans who were besieged and bitten by predators.
A brave buffalo that proved his loyalty to protect the herd rushed to attack the lions after seeing his fellow injured. Despite the danger, the wild buffalo rammed the lion into the air to try to free its fellow humans.

Buffalo butts flying lions, Buffalo butts flying lions for revenge for their fellows, buffalo butts lions

The scene of a wild buffalo gobbling up a lion to avenge his fellow human beings.Buffalo butts flying lions, Buffalo butts flying lions for revenge for their fellows, buffalo butts lions

The scene of a wild buffalo gobbling up a lion was captured by Brazilian photographer Mariangela Matarazzo Lee, 54, when he and family and friends visited a reserve in South Africa.

Buffalo butts flying lions, Buffalo butts flying lions for revenge for their fellows, buffalo butts lions

The wild buffalo butts the lion high with extremely strong sharp horns. When the lion was gored to the ground it did not seem to have a chance to run because the buffalo rushed to attack too quickly. The bravery of the buffalo made the lions rush to run away.

Buffalo butts flying lions, Buffalo butts flying lions for revenge for their fellows, buffalo butts lions

Sadly, although the buffalo made every effort to attack the lions to save his fellow animals, the animal was too badly injured to escape because the other lions quickly turned to attack after panicking from the crowd. revenge blow.

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