In the enchanting world of avian wonders, a sparkling treasure awaits discovery—the resplendent Spangle-Cheeked Tanager. This medium-sized passerine bird, known by its scientific name, Spangle-Cheeked Tanager, is truly a sight to behold, adorned with striking hues that set it apart from its avian peers.
One intriguing feature of the Spangle-Cheeked Tanager is its gender-neutral plumage, as both males and females exhibit essentially identical appearances. However, keen observers may discern that males tend to showcase more extensive blue scaling overall. Juvenile birds, on the other hand, often bear a closer resemblance to adult males, with less conspicuous scaly patterns.
These enchanting birds find their natural habitat in the regions of Costa Rica and western Panama. They are often encountered in lush and epiphyte-rich woods, where they may dwell in the canopy at elevations ranging from 1,200 to 3,000 meters (3,900 to 9,800 feet). Additionally, Spangle-Cheeked Tanagers are known to inhabit semi-open spaces, forest margins, and areas with secondary vegetation, typically at lower elevations.
When it comes to their diet, these charming birds prefer fruits, although they occasionally savor insects and spiders, often consuming them whole. The Spangle-Cheeked Tanager is not just an avian marvel; it is a testament to the astonishing diversity and beauty found in the natural world.