Having a whale of a time! mesmerising moment majestic humpbacks show off their acrobatic dance moves – captured by a freediving photographer off the coast of Tonga

The ocean’s depths hide a world of beauty and wonder, where magnificent creatures glide through the turquoise waters. Recently, talented underwater photographer David Edgar had the privilege of witnessing and documenting a truly awe-inspiring sight – a group of humpback whales displaying their acrobatic prowess just beneath the water’s surface. These captivating images and mesmerizing video were captured during a freediving expedition off the coast of Tonga.

Freediving, the art of diving without scuba equipment on a single breath, has been David’s passion for the past seven years. With his camera in hand, he embarked on a remarkable adventure, immersing himself in the crystal-clear waters of Tonga. The group of whales he encountered exhibited a remarkable calmness and curiosity towards his presence, allowing him to capture these breathtaking moments.

The images showcase the humpback whales in their full splendor, their massive bodies twisting and turning gracefully underwater. One particularly playful whale seemed to dance right before David’s eyes, displaying its sheer joy and elegance. These moments, frozen in time through David’s lens, reveal the unique personality of these majestic creatures.


The waters off the coast of Tonga provided the ideal backdrop for this enchanting encounter. Tongatapu, the main island of the Kingdom of Tonga, was the nearest landmass as David ventured into the deep blue. Accompanied by his wife, Alice, who shares his passion for freediving and swimming with whales, he embarked on a small boat, eagerly anticipating the encounter.

As David immersed himself in the underwater realm, he found himself surrounded by two humpback whales. One was peacefully resting near the sea floor, while the other playfully frolicked near the water’s surface. The younger whales often exhibit a curiosity towards human presence, while the older ones prefer to observe from a distance. These particular whales, however, displayed a delightful combination of relaxation and inquisitiveness, making the experience all the more extraordinary.

The photographs and video captured during this expedition are a testament to the unique personalities and behaviors of humpback whales. The images reveal their playful nature, their love for the water’s surface, and their curiosity towards humans. Each frame captures a moment of sheer joy and fascination, inviting viewers to marvel at the wonders of the ocean.

Although the photographs were taken in September 2019, they have only recently been shared, captivating thousands of online viewers. David’s ability to convey the beauty and grace of these creatures has resonated with people worldwide, sparking a sense of wonder and appreciation for the underwater world.

For David, the opportunity to share his passion for whales and the underwater realm is a gratifying experience. Through his art, he hopes to inspire others to explore and protect the delicate ecosystems that exist beneath the ocean’s surface. These stunning images serve as a reminder of the magnificence of nature and the need to preserve it for future generations.

As we marvel at the enchanting dance of humpback whales, let us be reminded of the incredible diversity and beauty that our planet holds. These gentle giants serve as ambassadors of the ocean, captivating our hearts and stirring our souls with their awe-inspiring presence. May we continue to cherish and protect these majestic creatures and the delicate ecosystems they call home.

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