In Jaws, why did blood come out Quint’s mouth and where did the shark bite?

In the movie Jaws, there is a scene where blood comes out of Quint’s mouth while he is being attacked by the shark. This occurs because the shark’s teeth have likely punctured Quint’s internal organs, causing him to bleed internally. As a result, when the shark bites down on him and exerts pressure, the blood is forced out of his mouth.

It is worth mentioning that in the original shooting of the scene, the filmmakers unintentionally gave Robert Shaw, the actor playing Quint, an excessive amount of blood to spit out. The outcome was so exaggerated and theatrical, resembling the style of Grand Guignol (a French theater known for its violent and gory scenes), that it actually elicited laughter from the filmmakers.

This unexpected reaction from the filmmakers highlights the unintentional humor that arose from the scene, which was originally intended to be dramatic and intense. Nevertheless, despite this humorous incident, the image of blood coming out of Quint’s mouth effectively adds to the intensity and brutality of the shark attack, emphasizing the dangerous and life-threatening nature of the situation.

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